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A cavity containing a cavity cut, dividing it into a top and a bottom stack.
These stacks are defined as seen from the cavity cut. A gain material has to
be set with set_gain_material(Material)
Cavity(Stack bottom, Stack top)
Member functions:
find_mode(Real lambda0, Real lambda1, Real n_imag0=0, Real n_imag1=0.015, int passes=1)
: finds a laser mode in a given wavelength and gain interval.
Wavelength and gain are optimised around the resonance for passes
times. For the gain interval, a default range is assumed for the
imaginary part of the gain index between 0 and 0.015. The parameters of the
laser mode are printed out upon completion, and the cavity
field is automatically set to the lasing field.
find_all_modes(lambda0, lambda1, deltalambda, n_imag0=0.0, n_imag1=0.015, passes=1)
: similar to find_mode()
, but prints out all laser modes found in this range. Modes that are spaced closer than deltalambda
not be resolved.
: returns the singular value of the cavity at the current
wavelength and material gain. (The singular value is minimised when looking
for laser modes.)
set_source(Coord pos, Coord orientation)
: places a dipole current
source at the cavity cut at a position pos
and with a vectorial
orientation given by orientation
set_source(forward, backward)
: places a source at the cavity cut
described by the expansion vectors forward
and backward
: returns field at given coordinate. Only meaningful if
a laser mode has been located, or if a source has been explicitly set.
: interactively plots the fields in the cavity. Only meaningful ifa laser mode has been located, or if a source has been explicitly set.
: lower level routine to plot the refractive index. See Stack
for more details.
: lower level field plot routine. See Stack
for more details.
: lower level field plot routine. See Stack
for more details.
: returns refractive index at given coordinate.
: returns bottom stack.
: returns top stack.
: returns the z
-length of the cavity.
: returns the c1
-length of the cavity.
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